official website


I went on spring break.  Then my entire hard drive went kaput.  I lost the coded, edited copies of TTDSDG the First at this time, so I promise I am recoding as fast as I can.  The table of contents is not fixed yet, but the first 135 chapters have been uploaded.  To reach them in the interim, type in the URL:
for the prologue.  For each chapter after, change the 00 to the two-digit chapter number:  01, 02, 03, and so on.

Thanks for your patience, but also, for your continued enthusiasm about the story--I don't know if I would have the motivation to replace it, if so many people didn't email me and ask for it.



For mature readers.  Contain het (m/f) and yaoi (m/m) sexual relationships, violence, and other mature content.  Test Tubes, Dragon Spawn and Demi-Gods would probably be rated "R" if it were a movie; TTDSDG2:  False Evolution is darker and may be disturbing.  (Actually, we'll worry more if you're not disturbed.)



Gundam Wing world and characters belong to Sunrise/Sotsu and Bandai.  They are used here only for entertainment purposes and the authors are making no profit.  Original works/characters are the property of the authors.  Readers are welcome to borrow them for fanfiction, just return them in the same or better condition when finished.  TTDSDG fanfiction can be submitted to Fics on the Side; artwork to any or all of the creative writing team.




©2000-2002, TTDSDG Entertainment

visitors since 22.04.2002


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